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Филиал ГРДНТ им. В.Д. Поленова
"Финно-угорский культурный центр
Российской Федерации"


The International Festival of Culture of Finno-Ugric Peoples "Governed by the Sun"


on the International Festival of Culture

of Finno-Ugric peoples «Governed by the Sun»

1. General provisions

The International Festival of Culture of Finno-Ugric Peoples "Governed by the Sun" (hereinafter referred to as the Festival) takes place within the Decade of Childhood in the Russian Federation and the activities of the Okruzhnoy Multicultural Project "Dialogue of National Cultures", with the support of the branch of Polenov Russian State Folk Art House "Finno-Ugric Cultural Center of the Russian Federation".

2.  Purpose and objectives of the festival

2.1 The Festival’s purpose is to preserve, develop and popularize the unique culture of Finno-Ugric peoples.

2.2 Objectives:

2.2.1 Generation of interest in the culture of Finno-Ugric peoples;

2.2.2 Creation of the art fund of the Finno-Ugric peoples;

2.2.3 Promotion of original creativity through the preservation and study of the culture of Finno-Ugric peoples;

2.2.4 Development of cultural ties between areas with high concentration of Finno-Ugric peoples on the territory of the Russian Federation and Finno-Ugric countries.

3. Organizers and Partners of the Festival

3.1 The branch of Polenov Russian State Folk Art House "Finno-Ugric Cultural Center of the Russian Federation";

3.2 Department of Culture of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra;

3.3 Autonomous Institution of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra "Okruzhnoy folk art Creative House".

4.  Time Frame and Stages of the Festival

4.1 The Festival is held from April 2 to November 6, 2018 in an online format.

4.2 Stages of the Festival:


Time Frame

Receipt of applications and works for participation in the Festival

April 2 – October 1, 2018

The work of the Judges on estimating contest works, summing up the results of the contest

October 2 - October 26, 2018

Publication of the results of the contest on official websites

October 27 – November 2, 2018

Exhibition of works of participants of the contest within the regional forum "Ugra Multinational"

November 2018

5. Festival Nominations and Criteria

5.1 There are following Contest Nominations:



Age categories

Festive-ritual Culture of Finno-Ugric peoples in the works of amateur artists

6 – 11 years old

11 – 15 years old

16 – 18 years old

19 – 30 years old

31 years old and over

Traditional Culture of Finno-Ugric peoples in literary creativity of amateur authors

Legends of the Finno-Ugric world



5.2 Criteria:

5.2.1 Festive-ritual culture of Finno-Ugric peoples in the works of amateur artists Festival and ritual – is a special synthesis of all forms of folk art culture, which is a ritual action that includes the following elements: an event, its content, location, time frame, ceremony, which is called “ritual practice”.

In the works of the contestants the Jury assesses the conformity to the nominated topic of the nomination, the ethnographic accuracy of the presented action, revealing the "central" event. Creative approach, originality of work, technique of performance, composition, color composition, level of artistic skill.

5.2.2 Traditional culture of Finno-Ugric peoples in literary creativity of amateur authors

The original works take part in the contest program in the following nominations: poetry, prose (small forms – stories, novels, sketches, essays), works for children (fairy tales, etc.), reflecting traditions and way of life of the Finno-Ugric peoples.

5.2.3 Legends of the Finno-Ugric world

Bearers of folk traditions, narrators of folk tales, folklorists, instrumental performers and masters who have made a significant contribution to the development of the traditional culture of Finno-Ugric culture can register or be registered in this nomination.

6.  Conditions of participation

6.1 Applications for participation in the contest are to be sent before October 1, 2018 to the address of the Okruzhnoy House of Folk Art at the e-mail: [email protected] with the note "Competition "Governed by the Sun", index 628011, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansiysk, Gagarina st. 10, r.301.

Contact phone: 8 (3467) 32-15-62 Nesterova Svetlana Nikolaevna, Cherdynceva Inessa Vladimirovna

6.2 Nomination «Festive-ritual Culture of Finno-Ugric peoples in the works of amateur artists»

No more than 2 photographs of author's artwork created in any painting or graphic technique and directions can be accepted. The works must have the following characteristics:


- resolution - not less than 200 dpi;

- proportions: at least 2000 pixels on the larger side;

- the work should not have any author marks, frames added, etc.

If the photograph is made with a digital camera, the number of pixels of the camera matrix should be at least 5 million (5 megapixels).

Photographs of the participants will be posted on the official websites of the project Organizers. The publication of photographs of the works will be done without the participation of the authors. All works must be signed: author, title of the competition work.

6.3 Nomination «Traditional Culture of Finno-Ugric peoples in literary creativity of amateur authors»

A Contest Participant must present a work of his own that was not published before. The work must correspond to the subject of the Contest. One Participant can present only one work.

The length of the text of the presented work (story, essay, etc.) should not exceed 5 pages of A4 format, a poem must not exceed 50 lines. The work is presented in electronic format. Font: Times New Roman; point size 14; interval 1.5. Valid file formats are DOC and ODT.

The title of the work and the author's full initials must be indicated in the first line of the work file. The text to the address of the organizers is sent in the original language and a translation in Russian must be enclosed.

The work will not be accepted if it contains: violation of the requirements for the design and content of contest works; plagiarism (in any form and quantity); language illiteracy (in large numbers); non-normative lexicon; political, religious and other propaganda; texts, the publication of which violates the Legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Organizers have the right not to estimate the texts, that do not satisfy the requirements, not to discuss with the authors the reasons for not publishing their work on the website or for not giving a work a top place in the rating.

6.4 Nomination “Legends of the Finno-Ugric world”

A participant (or participant’s representative) of this nomination has to send a package of documents that contains a short profile with biographic data, scope of activity closely connected with contributing to preservation, development and popularization of the traditional culture. Historic photographs of the culture-bearer (and a current photo, if possible) must be attached to the application.

Folklore singers and music players attach audio and video files of the members of Finno-Ugric culture to the application.

Texts of the folklore pieces (both published or never published before) should be attached to the application. Original hand-written scanned version is also welcome.

Craftsmen should attach a photo of their work, describing the technique they used to create their art pieces.

6.5 All the nominations accept only works of authorship. The works that were created by other people or were taken from the Internet are not eligible. Furthermore, works that convey aggression, contain extremist, violence, drug- and alcohol consumption propaganda are not eligible. The participants who were found guilty of plagiarism are dismissed from taking part in the Contest.

6.6 The works sent to AI "Okruzhnoy Folk Art Creative House" address will not be returned. The authors of the sent works transfer the exclusive license to use the works to AI "Okruzhnoy Folk Art Creative House" gratuitously (without royalty fee).

6.7 The Organizers remain the right to publish, replicate, show and print the works in booklets, other printed issues, slide shows without paying royalty fee, but specifying the authorship and the title of the work.

6.8 The Participants must have copyrights to their works. In case the work is shown or published the Organizers are not responsible for complaints from the people who took part in making process.

6.9 The works that fail to meet the requirements or that are sent later the deadline will not be returned or estimated.

6.10 All the Participants give their consent to publish the information sent to AI "Okruzhnoy Folk Art Creative House" address.

7. Festival’s Jury

7.1 The works are estimated by a Jury represented by leading experts in the field of Finno-Ugric traditional culture and folklore, folklorists, ethnographers, masters of folk crafts.

7.2 The Judges rate, on a scale of 1 to 10, works and performances of the Participants. The best works are those that received the highest score in total. The Judges’ decision is not subject to change.

7.3 The Protocol concludes the Judges’ final meeting. The winners are awarded according to the Protocol.

7.4 The chairman of the Jury has a final say in a disputable situation.

8. Contest results

8.1. The Participants in every nomination can receive the following awards: Laureate I, II, III degrees, certificates and prizes.

8.2. The Participants and Winners of the Contest receive Certificates.

8.3. The decision to award a Participant is to be noted in the Protocol of the Judges’ meeting and signed by all members of the Jury.

8.4. Contest Results will be published on the official websites of Polenov Russian State Folk Art House "Finno-Ugric Cultural Center of the Russian Federation", Department of Culture of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra, Autonomous Institution of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra "Okruzhnoy Folk Art Creative House".

   Application form to take part in International Festival 

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